Preparing for Spring Pests

March 14, 2024
Housefly - Complete Pest Control Services

Winter is thawing, and that can only mean one thing: spring is on its way! With spring, though, comes a host of life that can bring more than just tulips to your kitchen counter. A whole host of pesky pests will be migrating, breeding, and looking for new homes. Sometimes, this means they’ll find their ways into your yards and homes, which is never the best way to start off your spring.

A lot of the time, these pests are preventable! And we want to help prevent infestations before they happen to you. We’ve got loads of pest prevention ideas to provide you so that you’ll be prepared for anything this spring can spring on ya!

1) Clean Out Your Closets

You’d be surprised what randomly falls onto your closet floors, only to be pushed into a corner and forgotten about. From old food wrappers and bits of food that will attract all kinds of pests to empty bottles that can provide safe places for pests to make home, anything can become a resource and a reason for a pest to linger longer in your home. Cleaning out your closet can help.

2) Replace Old Carboard Boxes And Inspect Old Paper Products

Cardboard and paper are slowly but constantly soaking up moisture from the air around us. As such, they’re slowly but constantly degrading. Keeping the spaces we store paper products dry can help this significantly. When these paper products become moist, not only do they grow mold and mildew, but they provide spaces and food for certain pests. Giving any older cardboard boxes a check to ensure they’re dry and decent can help prevent a lot of headaches in the future.

3) Inspect Your House’s Outside Walls

As the snow melts and the temperatures rise, it’s a good time to check the outside of your house. Especially look at the first few feet above the ground for cracks or holes. These can be easy ways for bugs and smaller critters to navigate their way into your home. Sealing these cracks will keep the outside creatures outside.

As well, checking your roof for any accidental openings can prevent bats and birds from nesting in spots where they shouldn’t be.

4) Inspect Food Containers

Sometimes, we forget about that box of Cheeze-Its we bought a few months ago. Sometimes, we forgot we even opened it and left it in the back of the snacks drawer. Sometimes, some ants will find out about this and will take it upon themselves to eat them for you.

This is an easily preventable infestation. Checking your food drawers every month or so can help remind you of something you might have forgotten you bought, or can help find something that got shifted farther back than you remember. Pests love places with easily accessible food, so throwing out old food, as well as better sealing opened food can help prevent a lot of future infestations.

5) Check For Wood Damage

While wood damage can be a sign of an infestation, it can also just be a sign of well-worn wood. However, wood that’s aged and damaged can be an easy target for bugs such as termite, carpenter ants, and horntails. While you might not be able to do the repairs yourself, figuring out what you need done earlier rather than later can save you money and time. It’s much cheaper to fix wood than it is to fix wood and an infestation of carpenter ants!

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July 29, 2024
With forecasters from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicting a 75 percent chance of a near- or above-normal hurricane season in 2018, it is important for homeowners to ensure their homes are prepped for the damaging effects of these natural disasters. While reinforcing windows and bunkering down ahead of extreme weather are top priorities, other risks (in the form of pests) still lurk long after storms have passed. Downed trees and standing water force many species of insects to seek higher ground and safe shelter – oftentimes in our own homes. To fully prepare for and combat a probable spike in pest populations in the days and weeks after a hurricane, follow these six pest prevention tips. And, for those of you who live on the East Coast, take heed through November 30, which is the Atlantic hurricane season! 1. Amp Up Your Pre-Storm Pest Control Efforts Before reports of a potential hurricane start to roll in, you can help prevent hurricane season pests by conducting both interior and exterior inspections of your house to identify and address any structural issues that may be worsened by the impending storm. Cracks should be sealed with a silicone-based caulk, any existing water damage should be fixed, and the household property should be sloped so that water flows away from the foundation rather than towards it. Furthermore, potential pest breeding sites such as garbage cans and mulch should be placed relatively far from the house in order keep pests away. 2. Drain Standing Water to Prevent an Influx of Mosquitoes Though it may seem that the flooding and heavy rains associated with storms would effectively eradicate any existing mosquito populations, the standing water left behind serves as an ideal breeding ground for these biting pests. Mosquitoes need only a bottle cap full – half an inch – of water to breed. As a result, homeowners should assess and address sources of standing water if possible, which can be found in obvious places where flood waters collect, but also in birdbaths, clogged gutters, flowerpots, grill covers, garbage cans and lids. By draining and emptying these water receptacles, you can prevent the development of a mosquito population in your own backyard. 3. Get Rid of Tainted Food and Damaged Debris to Avoid Flies and Rodents Spoiled food caused by extended power outages during bad weather can invite flies into your home. Flies breed in rotting food, potentially exposing family members to disease. Deposit any spoiled food in a sealed trash bag outside of the house to avoid attracting flies. Food waste and clutter can also entice rodents that are displaced by the storms and seeking food and shelter. For this reason, ensuring that discarded food is picked up by sanitation workers in a timely manner is critical. These workers usually prioritize dealing with common garbage over construction debris in the aftermath of a natural disaster, so homeowners should separate these materials to ensure that trash is quickly picked up and organize debris piles away from the home. 4. Identify and Assess Any Water Damage to Stop Termite and Ant Infiltrations Rotting wood, caused by water damage, may attract troublesome termites – a pest that can silently chew through your home’s wood joists and flooring, etc., and inflict thousands of dollars in damage over time. Additionally, excessive moisture around your property can oversaturate soil and cause insects living underground, such as ants, to seek higher ground and shelter inside your house. To mitigate these threats, remove rotting debris that could harbor pests, fix any damaged pipes that could be leaking, and make sure your property slopes away from your home to prevent water from pooling around the foundation of the structure. 5. Check for Any Openings Caused by Structural Damage High winds, rain and hail caused by storms can damage houses, as well as displace surrounding wildlife. This unfortunate combination encourages larger pests such as rats, mice, raccoons and squirrels to seek shelter in homes. Damaged roofing, siding and soffits can serve as welcoming entry points for these and other small animals that are on the hunt for a refuge. Look for any signs of damage on the exterior of the home and fix it as soon as possible. Additionally, seal any openings around windows and doors with caulk and steel wool to further barricade against pests during hurricane season. 6. Contact a Pest Control Professional for a Home Inspection If you suspect or experience a pest infestation in your home, contact a licensed pest control professional to conduct an inspection and work with you to develop a treatment plan. A professional assessment can help identify any issues before they get out of control. When dealing with pests nothing less than Complete will work. Complete Pest Control Services is your family owned, Pittsburgh- based complete pest management company. We offer same day 24/7/365 service. Contact us at now at 412.318.4547
July 29, 2024
Ants are a familiar pest. They’re on sidewalks, pushing through blades of grass, crawling up stone walls in search of fresh food and new places to call home, and have even starred in movies . Because of this, they have a habit of being everywhere. And sometimes, that also includes places they’re not wanted, like your home. They can climb, burrow, and eat through most household items, and once they’ve created a colony within your house, it can be a pain to remove them completely. We’ll go over some preventative tips here, along with steps you can take to keep your house and belongings safe from an ant infestation. What Exactly Are Ants? While ants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, most ant species retain the same general look. They have six legs which allow them to crawl all over, as well as two antennae which help them “see” around their environment with the aid of two compound eyes. There are three kinds of ant in an ant colony: queen, worker, and male.  Queens are larger and fertile females; there is only one per colony. The queen’s role is to reproduce often to create a larger workforce. Workers are infertile females that build tunnels, tend to larvae, defend the nest, and scavenge for food. Males are winged are are primarily focused on reproduction with the queen. Ants create large colonies and scout the area around them for food. If they find places with better access to resources, they’ll eventually move or start a new colony at that improved site. Oftentimes, this ends up being someone’s home or apartment. This can become a problem both for the health and the state of anyone’s living space. Ant Infestation: First Signs There are some simple but effective signs of an active ant infestation in your living space. Live ants: One ant here or there typically isn’t what we’re talking about, although if you see a random ant roaming around, it can’t hurt to search the rest of your house. If you begin finding multiple ants that look the same roaming around, that’s a decent first sign of an ant colony in or near your home Ant mound: Most people have seen these mounds of dirt and sand in sidewalk cracks and in their lawns. Ants can bring the fun inside your home too by creating colonies anywhere they can. Different ant species’ colonies look different, too. Some use sand and dirt, while others will dig into wood. Ant pathways: Ants typically communicate through pheromones. If they find a consistent source of food, they’ll lay down a pheromone trail for other ants to follow. While you might not find dozens of ants at a time walking the same path, noticing ants consistently walking around the same path might be an indication that they’re finding something in your home that makes them want to keep coming back. Problems From Ant Infestations While an ant infestation might just seem annoying at first, they can create a lot of havoc that you’ll want to deal with as soon as possible. A few issues that can come about from ant infestations are: Food Contamination: Ants bring in a lot more than just their colony friends. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi from outside will end up contaminating anything they touch. And if they get into any food that you might have lying around or not properly contained, then all of those germs will end up growing on your food. This can lead up to anything from small bouts of food poisoning to mold, mildew, and chronic illness. Structural Damage: When colonies pop up in your home, there’s a good chance that there’s been some structural damage already done. Some ants, like carpenter ants , can actually form colonies inside the wood frame of your house, creating hollow spots that can more easily snap, rot, and ruin its structural integrity. They can even cause your home to become structurally unsound, if left long enough. Bits and Stings: Some ants are a bit more nosey than just rummaging through the snack drawer. Ants can bite or sting depending on the species, and each carry their own unique venom. While not nearly as deadly as some spider or snake bites, ant bites can still be irritating and sometimes require hospitalization. Some people are also hypersensitive or allergic to ant bites, which might cause someone to go into anaphylactic shock and possibly die if not treated immediately. Ant Prevention The best ant prevention is understanding your surroundings and your house’s vulnerabilities. A free inspection by Complete Pest Control Services can both reveal any possible current ant infestations while possibly highlighting any specific issues your house has that could leave you more prone to a future infestation. Keeping open food containers properly sealed, properly cleaning food spills, and doing checks of the foundation once a year can help prevent an ant infestation before it goes out of control. And if it does? Complete Pest Control Services can get your house back to normal.
July 29, 2024
When the fall season rolls in, squirrels, raccoons and opossums are more apt to move indoors in preparation for the colder months. Unfortunately, our homes often provide the perfect refuge for these and other types of nuisance wildlife because they have easy access to food, water and warm shelter from the elements. As such, it’s important to animal-proof your property before Old Man Winter blows in. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that no curious critters sneak in through the attic, basement or other susceptible areas of the home.  Once inside, wild animals are not only difficult to eradicate, but they can also pose serious health risks by carrying diseases like rabies and biting if they feel threatened. If you encounter nuisance wildlife on your property, it’s extremely important to contact a local wildlife control specialist or pest control professional instead of attempting to trap and remove the animal on your own. 1. Screen vents Raccoons and squirrels often find their way into homes via uncapped chimneys, broken vents and other openings along rooflines. Ensure that these items are fully screened to prevent wild animals from making your home their own. 2. Cover the trash Many types of nuisance wildlife, especially raccoons, are attracted to piles of trash left outside. You should store all garbage bags in plastic containers with sealed lids to make it difficult for animals to dine on your leftovers. 3. Cut back vegetation Squirrels and other small wildlife are known to use tree branches to gain access to rooflines, where they can then find a number of ways to move indoors. Be sure to cut back any tree limbs or branches that hang too close to the foundation. A good rule of thumb is to keep vegetation at least 6 to 8 feet from the roofline. 4. Clean up the yard Do not leave brush, leaf piles or other debris accumulate in the yard, as these materials make the ideal harborage site for small animals. Also, make sure that firewood is stored at least 20 feet from the house during the cooler months. 5. Keep bird feeders out of reach Ensure bird feeders are only accessible by birds. Squirrels, raccoons, opossums and even bears are drawn to birdseed. Homeowners should also place birdbaths where small animals cannot reach them. Birdbaths and fountains may attract wildlife to the property, especially in areas where water is scarce. When dealing with pests nothing less than Complete will work. Complete Pest Control Services is your family owned, Pittsburgh- based complete pest management company. We offer same day 24/7/365 service. Contact us at now at (412) 318-4547
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